Entries for Kiama Regional Wine Show close tomorrow

Wine producers who make wine from fruit grown in the Shoalhaven Coast, Southern Highlands and neighbouring districts are being encouraged to enter the 8th Annual Kiama Regional Wine Show.

The Kiama Show Society is calling for entries for the wine show, which is set to take place from the 22-23 September at the Kiama Showground Pavilion.

Last year, the show attracted more than 140 entries, but this year will be set apart with the introduction of a new category in memory of founding committee member, the late Sandy Halley.

The new award will be called the Sandy Halley memorial award for the best wine – current vintage and will aim to encourage producers to enter wines from their latest harvest, allowing judges to assess the region’s youngest wines.

Award winning winemaker and respected wine judge, Christian Gaffey (Wine Selectors/Jackson Hill Wines) will lead the judging panel, and will be assisted by winemakers Daniel Binet (Ballabourneen Wine Company), Brendon Heath (Stanton and Killeen) and Sam Miranda (Sam Miranda Wines).

The Kiama Regional Wine Show is also offering local winemakers an invitation to participate as associate judges, to provide an opportunity to work with industry experts.

Eddy Rossi, co-owner and chief winemaker of Southern Highland Wines, Shayne Bricker, owner and chief winemaker of Two Figs Winery, and Rick Staniford of Fern Gully Wines will be joining the show as associate judges.

Key dates:

  • 22 September – judging panel in closed session: all day
  • 23 September – exhibitors tasting: 12:30pm – 3:30pm
  • 23 September – awards presentation reception and public tasting: 5:30pm – 8pm

Wine show results will be announced at the awards presentation reception and public tasting at the Pavilion Kiama. Exhibitors are encouraged to attend at no cost to receive awards and promote their products.

The cost is $25 per person and includes a light supper. Tickets are available for sale at the Kiama Visitors Centre, or phone (02) 4232 33. Ticket numbers are limited.

Entries close on Friday 9 September.

For further information, contact Wine Show secretariat Carole Johnston on (02) 4237 5554 or email [email protected]