Tassie producers celebrate “record” prices as grapes fetch six times the national average

Tassie producers celebrate “record” prices as grapes fetch six times the national average
Winegrapes from Coal River Valley. Photo: Sarah Ryan

Tasmanian wine producers are welcoming the trifecta of “excellent quality, record winegrape values and an ‘overdue’ return to strong yields” in vintage 2024.

Tasmania’s grapegrowers managed variable and unsettled seasonal conditions to harvest the equivalent of approximately 14.5 million bottles of wine from 16,805 tonnes, up 36 percent on the previous vintage.

Reflecting the island’s focus on value over volume, Tasmanian wine grapes harvested in 2024 set new records, averaging $3,674 per tonne across all varieties and styles (compared with $613 per tonne nationally), with the value of Tasmanian sparkling wine grapes up to $3,797/tonne.

Paul Smart, Wine Tasmania’s viticulture and winemaking officer welcomed the positive vintage results.

“Based on winegrapes harvested across the country’s 65 wine regions, Tasmania is the 13th largest by volume but the 5th most valuable, up from 10th most valuable in 2023,” said Smart. “After four low-yielding seasons in Tasmania, a return to solid volumes has been very welcome alongside excellent quality and will help Tasmania satisfy the ever-increasing global demand for its wines.”

Seasonal conditions varied across the breadth and diversity of the island, requiring the usual vigilance and dedication of viticulturists. The north of the island received above average temperatures, while parts of the island’s south experienced cooler than average temperatures. It was also very dry in the southeast and drier than normal across the rest of Tasmania. The seasonal conditions supported good yields and resulted in an earlier and condensed vintage in 2024.

The numbers:

  • 1,214,000 cases (dozen) of 2024 wine produced / 16,805 tonnes of wine grapes processed (↑ 36%)
  • $3,674 /tonne average value of all wine grapes (↑ 9%), still wine grapes: $3,589 /tonne (↑ 8%), sparkling wine grapes: $3,797 /tonne (↑ 11%)
  • 38% of all 2024 wine = sparkling wine
  • Based on wine grapes harvested across the country’s 65 wine regions, Tasmania is 5th by value (↑ 5 places), 13th by volume (↑ 2 places)

Throughout the season, 46% of Tasmania’s vineyard area was managed under Tasmania’s VinØ (vin zero) program, a ‘best practice’ viticulture and winemaking framework led by Wine Tasmania. The full 2024 Tasmanian wine grape vintage report can be accessed at www.winetasmania.com.au/vintage2024.

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