Winesmiths partners with Billie Justice Thomson in support of Wheen Bee Foundation

Winesmiths partners with Billie Justice Thomson in support of Wheen Bee Foundation
Image Hill Smith Family Estates

This month, wine-on-tap industry brand Winesmiths has released a set of limited-edition 2-litre wine packs in collaboration with Australian artist, Billie Justice Thomson.

The partnership with Billie Justice Thomson exhibits her illustrations to bring attention and excitement to wine shelves and raise funds for the important research of Australian not-for-profit charity the Wheen Bee Foundation.

Billie Justice Thomson is known for her illustrations and paintings of food and drinks. This time, her artworks are focused on Australia’s native flora and the native honeybee, printed on the iconic 2-Litre Winesmiths packs.

“It was such a great process, we looked at the native plants that grow in and around the vineyards,” said Thomson.

“Bees and native plants play an important role in the biodiversity of vineyards and ultimately in the wine itself. I’ve always been attached to natives, they’re so uniquely Australian. They’re so rugged and often a little bit strange.”

“The Winesmiths Billie Justice Thomson Edition shines a light on the sustainable environment required to make our wines, as well as the sustainability benefits our packaging delivers,” Winesmiths’ senior brand manager Lisa Antoney explains.

“Just like an artist, our vineyards require as much love and attention to drive a healthy eco-system, delivering beautiful natural flavour and yield. We don’t compromise on quality in any way.”

The limited-edition designed packs are in liquor stores from August to December, with part proceeds from the Shiraz and Pinot Grigio going to the Wheen Bee Foundation for research.

“We applaud Winesmiths’ efforts to promote environmental sustainability and ecosystem health, whether it’s through native vegetation projects, organic wine production systems, water repurposing or carbon emissions reduction,” Fiona Chambers, Wheen Bee Foundation CEO said.

“As a charity we value Winesmiths’ generous support, which enables the Wheen Bee Foundation to continue important projects to support bees and bee research.”

This is the second iteration of Winesmiths Limited Edition casks, with the producer having previously worked with Mulga the Artist to excite and disrupt cask wine shelves and recruit new drinkers to the format.


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