Hanna Instruments HI 96811 Digital Wine Refractometer is a rugged, portable, water-resistant device that is easy to use and calibrate.
It employs the measurement of refractive index to display the sugar content in grape samples. The measurement of refractive index is simple and quick, and provides the vintner a standard-accepted method for sugar content analysis. The dual-level LCD displays the measurement as well as temperature readings simultaneously. Samples are measured after a simple user-calibration with deionised or distilled water.
Within 1.5 seconds, the instrument measures the refractive index of the grape sample and converts it to % Brix concentration units. It’s that easy! The HI 96811 digital refractometer eliminates the uncertainty associated with mechanical refractometers and is portable for measurements in the field.
For more information, please contact Hanna Instruments on (03) 9769 0666 or email [email protected]