Death sentence ruling not expected to affect removal of China wine tariffs

Death sentence ruling not expected to affect removal of China wine tariffs

Following China’s trial of writer Yang Hengjun, which handed the Australian citizen a suspended death sentence, Australian Grape & Wine has said it does not expect the outcome to affect China’s review of its tariffs on Australian wine.

In comments made to The Australian Financial Review (AFR), AGW CEO Lee McLean said he believed the tariff decision to be independent from China’s actions towards Yang Hengjun.

“I think there is an understanding in the relationship with China [that] there are going to be different issues that come up from time-to-time,” he told the publication.

“But from our position, there is an agreement in place with China for a review of duties and that’s still in place. We’re certainly hopeful that leads to a positive outcome for us and if it doesn’t, the understanding is Australia will resume the World Trade Organisation dispute.”

According to AFR the Australian government is expecting the tariffs to be lifted “by the end of March”.

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