Confirm your listing details in the 2024 Wine Industry Directory to stay connected to the industry

Confirm your listing details in the 2024 Wine Industry Directory to stay connected to the industry

The Australian and New Zealand wine industry relies on the Wine Industry Directory to stay in touch with your business. It’s the go-to storehouse of who’s who for the industry. Even the smallest changes over time can result in an incorrect listing.

Confirming your listing details is a quick and simple process that takes just a few minutes. So even if you think your information hasn’t changed recently, make sure your current listing is up-to-date to stay connected to the people that matter most to you – your customers!

By checking the accuracy of your staff and contact details, social media handles and other vital information, you can rest assured that the more than 100,000 people who access the Directory each year, in print and online, will know exactly who you are and how to reach your business.

We will shortly be sending you an email with a PIN number to confirm your listing in the 2024 Wine Industry Directory – make sure to do so as soon as you receive this.

If you’re new to the Directory, please click here to create a new listing.