Tyson Stelzer has issued the call to to winemakers to join him in helping raise much needed funds for the East Africa famine crisis through a donation for every case of wine sold in end-of-year newsletters and cellar door Christmas offers.
The UN estimates that 11.5 million people are in serious danger and tens of thousands have already died in the worst drought in the Horn of Africa in more than 60 years.
“The Dadaab Refugee camp in Kenya, the largest refugee camp in the world, is calling for urgent assistance,” Stelzer said. “The UN has named this ‘the most severe food security emergency in the world today.’
“2011 has been perhaps the toughest year for Australian wine in decades, but compared with East Africa, we are very fortunate.”
Stelzer says he is inviting winemakers to join me in making a contribution to the East Africa famine crisis for every case of wine sold in end-of-year newsletters or cellar door Christmas offers. A small donation for every case of wine can go a long way. For instance, $1 buys nine child meals of maize porridge and $22 supports a foster family for lost children with a kitchen kit, sleeping mats and second-hand clothes.
To find out more or pledge your support please contact me or visit:
Email Stelzer at: [email protected] or phone: 0402 821 230