Pernod Ricard becomes Australia’s first wine company recognised as EOCGE

Image: Pernod staff celebrating.

Pernod Ricard Winemakers, the producer of wine brands Jacob’s Creek, St Hugo and Orlando, has been recognised as Australia’s first wine company to be named an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) by the Australian Government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

The WGEA citation recognises employers that are committed to achieving gender equality in the workplace.

Pernod Ricard Winemakers chairman and CEO Bryan Fry said “fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone has access to the same resources, opportunities and rewards is an important part of our commitment to valuing people”.

“We are achieving this by instilling a mindset that drives long-term change, with gender being one area of focus,” he said.

“EOCGE certification publicly reaffirms the importance we place on gender equality and we are proud to be the first wine company to receive this recognition, as well as the only current South Australian based business out of the 136 organisations awarded this citation.

“Across Pernod Ricard Winemakers, 53% of our senior managers and 43% of our total population are female, as a result of strategies we introduced to improve our gender mix, such as making flexible work mainstream, uplifting parental leave entitlements, introducing diversity and inclusion training, closing the gender pay gap and conducting regular analysis to maintain our results.”

WGEA director Libby Lyons said “this year, we are welcoming 17 new EOCGE citation holders who are joining the existing 119 citation holders from 2019-20”.

“Despite the tremendous upheaval and disruption caused to Australian businesses by the COVID-19 pandemic, these dedicated organisations maintained an unswerving commitment to achieving their EOCGE citation,” she said.

“I want to sincerely thank and acknowledge these employers for their extraordinary efforts in these trying times.

“We know that gender equality is good for business and crucial to our postCOVID-19 economic recovery. By driving better gender equality outcomes in their workplaces, these EOCGE citation holders are showing the right way forward for other Australian businesses.”

EOCGE citation is awarded to organisations that meet stringent criteria for best practice in promoting gender equality and involves a rigorous assessment process which places emphasis on accountability, outcomes, evidence and internal reporting processes.

It is a voluntary leading practice recognition program that is separate to compliance with the Workplace Gender Equality Act.


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