Winegrape appointment to ACCC committee

Representation of the winegrape sector on the ACCC Agriculture Consultative Committee has been broadened with the appointment of Murray Valley Winegrowers executive officer Mike Stone.

He joins Winemakers Federation chief executive Tony Battaglene and 24 other agriculture industry representatives on the committee, which was established by the ACCC two years ago.

The role of the Agriculture Consultative Committee (AgCC) is to provide advice and information on issues affecting the agriculture sector that come within the scope of the Competition and Consumer Act.

Members are drawn from a range of backgrounds and industries, including peak bodies, industry associations, and industry advisors.

Mike Stone says the ACCC has focused more on issues in agriculture since the creation of an agriculture unit and appointment of Mick Keogh as Commissioner.

The Agriculture Unit identifies competition and fair trading issues in agriculture markets, while Mr Keogh oversees the ACCCs agriculture work program.

“MVW has represented growers on a number of issues that have come to the attention of the ACCC over the past decade or so, particularly in relation to behaviour that had been categorised as misleading and deceptive conduct,” Stone said.

“MVW also was involved in developing the Australian Wine Industry Code of Conduct, which required consultation with the ACCC.

“The code’s dispute resolution provisions have been used extensively over the past two vintages to achieve higher winegrape prices for a number of growers.”