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2000 vintage report for Alpine Valleys (Victoria)

The prolonged flowering period in the Alpine Valleys region did not result in an extended veraison period as first feared, and ripening was uniform across most varieties. Shayne Cunningham, vice-chairman of the region’s Winemakers & Grapegrowers Association, said bunch weights and berry size were normal, while crop levels were down on recent years. ‘The regional average was just a bit below 5 tonnes per acre for the red varieties and approached 6 tonnes for the whites for vines more than five years old,’ he said. The region saw early powdery pressure, but few actual incidents, due to careful monitoring and preventive spraying. Shayne said harvest was generally at lower than normal Baume for the area, due to the lower than average temperatures during the ripening period, but the flavours and colours were generally igher than usual, yielding wines with more fruit lift and intensity than normal, but with lower final alcohol levels. ‘Good trellis systems, fruit exposure, good canopy ventilation and proper sprayng programs allowed the Alpine Valleys to produce very good fruit in this difficult weather year,’ Shayne said. He said the region’s vineyards had expanded tremendously over the past three years. Grape prices for 2000 dipped, as supply began to meet or exceed demand,. Decreases were generally 20-30% for both reds and whites; however exceptional quality vineyards were much less affected. The only variety that changed little for 2000 was Pinot Noir for sparkling, which remained quite buoyant.