Contact Details

Address: 105 King William Street, Kent Town
SA, 5067, Australia
Telephone: (08) 8132 5500
Fax: (08) 8132 5599
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.fabal.com.au

Additional Contact Information

Address: Ashley Keegan
, Australia
Telephone: 0407 933 619
Email: [email protected]

Address: David Olssen
, Australia
Telephone: 0428 293 010
Email: [email protected]

FABAL is one of Australia's leading vineyard management companies, backed by decades of experience and a dedicated team of some of the country's most experienced viticulturists. Operating under SWA (Sustainable Winegrowing Australia) accreditation and standards ensures our services delivered with the commitment to sustainable and responsible practices in viticulture. We offer innovative and sustainable solutions to meet the demands of the Australian viticulture industry, from vineyard consulting, development and management services to help you build, optimise, or restructure your vineyard to vine removal projects. Whether you're launching a new vineyard project, seeking to improve an existing one, or needing expert advice, our experienced viticulture consulting team is here to support you.

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