One Sector: A unifying plan for the Australian grape and wine community

One Sector: A unifying plan for the Australian grape and wine community

Australian Grape and Wine have just launched stage one of their One Sector plan: the Pulse Survey.

In September 2022, the boards of Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia collectively identified the need for a single, unifying plan for the Australian grape and wine community that was strategic, responsive and ensured strong alignment, collaboration and innovation to address the challenges and opportunities at hand.

Together, they are leading the process of developing the One Sector Plan – which is to be informed by the sector, for the sector.

Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia are consulting the Australian grape and wine community, with the assistance of consulting firm ACIL Allen, to create a plan that:

  • reflects the collective strategic priorities of the Australian wine sector
  • has clear objectives, accountabilities and timelines
  • describes the key differences but points of collaboration, and
  • is adaptable to the sector’s needs and operating environment.

The first stage of this plan launched yesterday, with a short online survey sent out to industry consultants. The Pulse Survey will act as a benchmarking tool to help establish a baseline of priorities that respondents say are important to them, their businesses and their regions. This feedback will help to refine the workshop programs across the sector.

With cost of inputs increasing and resources constrained, Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia recognise the need for a unifying strategy that clearly identifies roles and responsibilities for each governing body in the sector and sets out a clear path forward.

The One Sector Plan seeks to consult with and represent views from all across the sector. The Australian grape and wine sector is varied with many groups and collectives representing the interests of Australia’s grape growers and winemakers. This includes:

  • Government – Federal and State
  • Industry representative bodies
  • State grape and wine sector associations
  • Regional grape and wine sector associations
  • Individual levy payers

From June to August 2023, ACIL Allen will be working with the sector to conduct a range of consultation activities. Planning is also underway for a suite of state and regional workshops across the country.

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