Lion releases 2020 sustainability report highlighting achievements and future ambitions

New Zealand’s first large-scale carbon zero beverages company Lion has released its 2020 Sustainability Report highlighting the progress it’s making in emissions and water use reduction and the growing success of its Alcohol&Me education program.

Lion New Zealand country director Craig Baldie said the 2020 Sustainability Report was an important milestone and provides a valuable update for customers, suppliers and consumers on the company’s significant social and environmental achievements, but also the ongoing journey the company says it is proud to be on.

Key achievements in 2020 for New Zealand include becoming the country’s first large-scale Toitū carbon-zero certified beverage company, a 4.4 percent reduction in carbon emissions since 2019, a 10% reduction in water use at The Pride, Lion’s multi-beverage site, and more than 38,000 Alcohol&Me modules completed, helping kiwis to stay safe and sociable when they drink.

“Our core purpose is all about sociability and helping people to live well. This purpose has never felt more meaningful or relevant than in this past year,” said Baldie.

“The report gives an insightful overview of our sustainability strategy and performance, but also recognises how people connect with our brands and business has evolved.

“People are drinking less in general and there is a growing trend towards mindful consumption and wellness. People want to see and influence change in the products they purchase with ethics and sustainability increasingly top of mind.

“We recognise the need to move fast on climate change. We are taking responsibility for our own carbon emissions and helping consumers to do the same.

“Following the announcement of carbon-zero certification for our entire Steinlager range in November last year, we’re proud to be rolling out new carbon-zero Steinlager packaging making it known to consumers wherever Steinlager is sold.

“Every step in the product life cycle has seen emissions reduced or offset. Steinlager is the only major beer brand in New Zealand to have achieved this and accounts for 10% of the beer market in New Zealand. People can choose Steinlager knowing that we take climate change seriously having committed to an active and ambitious carbon reduction strategy aligned with the target to limit global warming to under 1.5°C.”


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