Company Name: Geoff Merrill Wines Pty Ltd
Winery Address: Mount Hurtle Winery 291 Pimpala Road Woodcroft SA 5162 Australia
Telephone: (08) 8381 6877
Fax: (08) 8322 2244
Vineyard 1 Statistics GI Zone:
GI Region:
Tonnes Crushed:
Wine is made:
Storage Capacity:
Fermentation Capacity:
Brands: Geoff Merrill, Mt Hurtle, Botham Merrill Willis, Merrill
Distributors: Young & Rashleigh, NSW; Prime Wines, VIC; Options, SA, NT; Domaine Wine Shippers, WA; Hancocks, NZ
Exports To:
Belgium-Luxembourg, Canada, China, Denmark, England, Fiji, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, United States
Site Facilities:
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