Phosyn Analytical

Contact Details

Address: PO Box 2594, Burleigh MDC
QLD, 4220, Australia
Telephone: (07) 5568 8700
Email: [email protected]

Additional Contact Information

Welcome to Phosyn Analytical where we turn soil analysis, water analysis and plant tissue analysis into results within 5 days to help you grow better crops. Phosyn Analytical was established in 2001 and provides nutritional analysis of soil, plant tissue (including fruit, vegetables and grains) and water samples across the agricultural, horticultural, amenity and environmental sectors. Our client base includes individuals, multi-national companies, independent consultants, research stations and government organisations from across Australia. The analysis of different sample types enables nutrients and other inputs to be accurately, efficiently and cost effectively applied. Furthermore and of significant importance, it also assists you to be proactive towards good environmental stewardship.

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