Winetitles Calendar - Upcoming Events

Vintage Briefing – Riverland

Location: Berri Hotel, Berri, SA


Event Date: 27 November 2019

Please check the organiser website for any changes due to COVID-19.

Contact Details

Contact: Henrik Wallgren
Association: South Australian Wine Industry Association
Address: 1st Floor Industry Offices,
National Wine Centre,
Corner Botanic & Hackney Road,
Adelaide SA 5000
Telephone: (08) 8222 9277
Email: [email protected]


As part of your preparation for vintage, have you refreshed your knowledge of the obligations under the Wine Industry Award 2010 and the Fair Work Act 2009 that commonly apply during vintage? Are you across your heavy vehicle chain of responsibility obligations?

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To include your event, or update your existing event details, please send an email to [email protected].