Winetitles Calendar - Upcoming Events

Precision Viticulture Workshop

Location: Loxton Research Centre, Loxton, SA


Event Date: 25 October 2019

Please check the organiser website for any changes due to COVID-19.

Contact Details

Contact: Nicole Dimos
Association: Society of Precision Agriculture Australia
Address: PO Box 3490, Mildura VIC 3502, Australia
Telephone: 0437 422 000
Email: [email protected]


Society of Precision Agriculture Australia (SPAA) in collaboration with Riverland Wine will host the Precision Viticulture workshop with the theme ‘PA tools for efficiencies and savings’ being the key focus.

Guest speakers include:

  • Lance Dickeson, from John Deere, will give a product update covering crop care, yield documentation and ‘preparing the site’ (precision land forming).
  • Don Thorp, from TracMap will speak about ‘useful field data’ on operations such as spraying, harvest and weed control.
  • Peter Magarey will help you make decisions with precision using GrowCare disease alert system.
  • Seth Westra, from Adelaide University will present on a pilot project which has road tested technologies to help vineyard operations.
  • Mark Bastian from Precision Agriculture.

The workshop is free to attend and morning tea will be provided. RSVP to Nicole Dimos by phone (0437 422 000) or email [email protected].

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