Exports of Australian wine by destination country

Table 7. Exports of Australian wine by destination country (Year to 30 June 2016) and change versus previous financial year.





Change %

$A million

Change %


Change %

United Kingdom 243.2 -3 369 0 1.52 3
United States of America 157.2 -4 450 8 2.86 12
China 74.8 40 419 50 5.6 7
Canada 63.2 6 195 7 3.09 1
Germany 35.1 -9 46 -8 1.3 1
New Zealand 29 13 77 6 2.65 -6
Netherlands 14.3 5 29 0 2.05 -4
Italy 12 -20 14 -21 1.19 -2
Japan 11.6 -3 45 4 3.84 7
Denmark 11.4 -5 23 -9 2.02 -4
Hong Kong 9.7 22 124 11 12.81 -9
Belgium 7.9 12 13 15 1.62 3
Finland 6.4 -16 15 -1 2.32 17
Russia 1 -91 4 -54 3.56 405
Sweden 6.6 33 23 27 3.44 -5
Singapore 5.2 0 61 9 11.71 9
Malaysia 4.5 28 49 17 10.93 -9
France 4.5 33 6 15 1.33 -13
Thailand 2.9 -21 14 -13 4.9 10
Ireland 3.5 15 13 14 3.7 -1
United Arab Emirates 3.3 3 17 12 5.07 9
Other 20.6 8 102.8 6 4.99 -1
World 727.8 1 2,107 11 2.9 11

Source: Wine Australia

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