Wine & Viticulture Journal Issue 3, 2017
Title: Advances in smoke contamination detection systems for grapevine canopies and berries
Keywords: 2009-10, 2017-18, 2D, Adelaide, aerial, algorithms, analysis, Aroma, Artificial, Assessment, Australia, Australian, Bei, berries, berry, Blanc, bushfire, Cabernet, camera, campus, Canopy, Changes, Chardonnay, Chemical, Climate, Codes, Compounds, Conductance, contamination, correction, Council, cultivar, Data, De, Defoliation, detect, Development, diffuse, Dr, Fermentation, Flavour, frequency, Fruit, Fuentes, Funding, Grapegrowers, Grapes, Grapevine, Gris, Growers, Growing, Harvest, Hills, Images, imaging, Index, Infrared, Institute, instrument, Kerry, Leaf, Locations, Map, Mature, Measure, Measured, Measurements, Melbourne, Merlot, Model, Modelling, Networked, Networks, Neural, Noir, Pattern, Pinot, Plants, Probe, Production, Professor, project, Pulp, Record, Red, reflectance, Region, Report, Results, Roberta, Sauvignon, scatter, Season, seeds, Sensitive, sensitivity, Severity, Shiraz, Sigfredo, skin, Smoke, society, South, spectra, spectroscopy, spoilage, sprayers, Stephen, sunlit, Techniques, Temperature, Thermal, thermography, tools, Treatment, Trial, Tylerman, UAV, University, unmanned, vapour, vehicles, Veraison, Victoria, vines, Vineyard, Viticulture, Waite, Wash, Water, White, Wilkinson, Wine, Winemaking
Page Number(s): 36-39
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The issue.