Grapegrower and Winemaker Issue 644, 2017
Title: The bomb for micro-oxygenation
Keywords: 15, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, ability, active, additional, adjusted, adopted, advantages, affordable, alternatives, app, application, approach, atop, barrel, battery, Bay, benefit, best, bottling, bubble, Cabernet, capabilities, cartidges, cellar, change, Chardonnay, cleaning, Common, compared, connectivity, consistent, controlled, cost, customers, data, determined, developed, development, device, differs, diffuses, diffussion, Dispersion, ease, economic, effect, effective, Elmslie, Ethylene, Existing, exporting, expression, feeds, first, flexibility, flexible, float, Food, fresh, Grenade, Hamish, Hawke's, heavy, Hill, identified, industry, information, install, installation, integration, Intellectual, interviews, introduced, IP, issues, keep, key, labour, less, leverage, life, live, longer, low, maintenance, Malbec, market, maturation, mature, membrane, Merlot, micro-ox, Micro-oxygenation, Minutes, Molecular, monitor, Mouthfeel, network, new, Noir, oak, offer, ongoing, online, operation, opportunities, ordering, oxygen, periods, permeable, phone, Pinot, plant, porous, portability, portable, positive, power, Preventing, process, produced, proggress, programming, programs, property, providing, rate, Recharge, recording, recreate, reds, release, releasing, remotely, replacement, Replicate, Required, research, results, risk, role, Sacred, sanitation, Sauvignon, semi, sensors, shapes, shortcomings, simplicity, single, sinter, size, space, support, Syrah, system, tank, tasting, Technology, time, traditional, Transit, trend, trials, ullage, unit, upfront, USA, use, validation, varietals, variety, viability, viewed, vintage, wifi, wine, Winemakers, winery, Wines, Zealand
Page Number(s): 50-54
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