Grapegrower and Winemaker Issue 645, 2017
Title: Fed govt pops cork on $50m industry support package – Assistance measures met with broad sector support despite some regional concerns
Keywords: $50m, 2017, 2017-18, 2018, 2019, 2019-20, 2020. economy, 2021, 2021-22, 2022, access, Accolade, Advisory, agreement, agriculture, American, Andreas, Andrew, Anne, Assistance, Australia, Australian, Barnaby, Belinda, benefit, bill, board, Brands, Brian, Canada, capacity, Casella, cellar, chain, Chambers, channels, China, Chinese, Clark, communities, consumers, Damien, Darryn, Deputy, development, distribution, domestic, door, effect, equalisation, Estate, Estates, exchange, export, exports, family, federal, Ferderation, figure, flow-on, forecast, Foundation, free, Fullglass, funding, Funds, Furlong, gains, Government, Grants, grape, grapegrowers, group, grow, growers, growth, guidelines, Hakof, Hong, Horgan, Hunter, increasing, industry, initiative, international, investment, Jo, Joyce, Kingdom, Kingston, Kong, Leeuwin, Libby, litres, management, market, marketing, markets, Marton, maximise, Minister, Mitchell, Moularadellis, Murray, new, Nick, Nutt, opportunities, package, Pernod, plan, prime, producers, profitability, profits, programs, promote, rates, reductions, regional, Regions, reputation, Ricard, Riverina, Riverland, Ruston, Rutherglen, sales, sandy, Schemes, Sheehan, Simon, Simone, Simpson, South, Stark, States, structure, submissions, supply, support, tariff, tax, Taylor, Taylors, tourism, tourists, trade, Treasury, UK, United, US, Valley, value, Victoria, vignerons, Vinexpo, vineyards, Visitors, Wales, Waterman, Weeks, West, wine, Winemakers, Wines, Yalumba
Page Number(s): 12-16
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