Grapegrower and Winemaker Issue 642, 2017
Title: Mid-row crop options for vineyard
Keywords: 2016, access, ACT, active, aim, air, alternate, April, area, areas, atmosphere, atmospheric, Australia, average, beans, bees, biologically, biology, biomass, Braemore, brassicas, Bray, breaking, broadacre, capture, carbon, Cargo, clover, collapsed, collected, competition, cordon, cover, crimson, Croplift, cropping, crops, cultivate, cuts, cutting, Darren, data, demonstration, department, depth, disturbance, DPI, drawbacks, drilled, dry, Effectiveness, eliminating, establishment, excess, faba, factsheet, Fahey, fauna, fertiliser, Fescue, field, fixation, fixed, flora, flowers, Food, free, fresh, funded, generate, goal, grass, Greens, growing, grown, harvest, healthy, heavier, height, Hunter, industries, infiltrate, information, inoculated, investigate, irrigation, James, Jarrett, Justin, Ken, legume, legumes, loss, Lupins, Mandurama, Mark, matter, May, methods, mid, months, nitrogen, NSW, Orange, outcomes, peas, philosophies, plant, planting, practice, primary, production, program, pulses, regional, result, retention, Rhizobia, Richardson, road, roots, row, Saw, See, seed, seeds, sodicity, soil, source, sowing, sown, species, starter, strategies, structure, surface, suspects, swards, Sweetapple, system, temperature, tendency, timing, Tractor, trial, under, undistributed, up, uptake, Valley, varieties, vegetable, vine, vineyard, vintage, water, weed, weeds, weight, wetter, wine, Wines, winter, wire, years, yield
Page Number(s): 30-32
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The issue.