Grapegrower and Winemaker Issue 643, 2017
Title: Vineyard snail control: Exploring the options and the timing
Keywords: active, agriculture, Agrochemicals, answers, applications, apply, area, assessed, attracted, attractive, autumn, available, Avoiding, AWRI, bait, beetles, benefit, Biodiversity, biological, birds, bran, buds, burn, canopy, capacity, cause, chance, cheaper, chemical, chickens, clear, collected, commercially, complex, conditions, consistuents, consume, consumption, containing, content, control, controlling, copper, Corporation, cover, creates, crop, crops, cultivation, cultural, damage, decreased, degrade, department, deter, development, dislodged, dormancy, dose, Downy, dry, Ducks, economically, EDTA, effect, effective, Effectiveness, efficacy, Eggs, entering, environment, evening, expected, feasibility, feed, Feeding, fence, find, findings, fixed, foliage, Food, found, fox, foxes, free, Frequently, Grains, grapevine, Grazing, greatest, ground, growers, harder, Harvester, health, heavy, Helpdesk, hide, high, holding, hot, housed, ignored, impact, improve, increase, influence, information, insecticides, Integrity, iron, keeping, land, lay, least, lifecycle, lines, livestock, lizards, maintaining, making, management, managers, mate, matter, mechanical, metaldehyde, methiocarb, midrow, mildew, moisture, mould, mulching, observed, Offers, options, organic, oxychloride, pen, period, pest, physically, plants, potential, practice, Predatory, preserve, problem, producer, products, proof, protected, protecting, provide, questions, rain, rainfall, raised, reapplied, recognised, recommended, reduce, reduced, refuges, registered, removed, repellant, reported, researchers, residues, restricted, return, SARDI, scarce, season, shelter, shoots, short, slug, snails, soil, source, spray, spring, stage, start, structure, study, sufficient, sulfate, summer, supply, survive, Temperatures, tillage, time, toxic, trunk, unappealing, understand, undervine, use, used, vegetation, viability, viable, vines, vineyard, WA, water, website, weed, weeds, winter, year
Page Number(s): 46-47
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The issue.