Grapegrower and Winemaker Issue 643, 2017
Title: Geofencing promising in biosecurity battle
Keywords: 2016, action, active, adapted, agility, agriculture, annually, app, appropriate, assess, associated, Associations, attributes, audits, Australia, Australian, aware, awareness, back, Barossa, battery, Be, Ben, benefits, billion, biosecurity, body, book, boundary, Brider, build, built, business, Businesses, Canadian, capability, carrying, changing, collated, collective, collectively, come, communications, company, complement, concept, Confidence, Contain, containment, continue, Contractor, contributes, created, creation, crosses, crossings, current, date, December, delays, demonstrated, detect, determine, difficult, digital, direct, disease, download, draw, Drive, duration, Eden, education, electronic, enabled, enabler, enabling, encountered, enhance, entering, entire, equipment, eradicate, evaluate, Evaluating, event, expand, expansion, explore, face, facilitating, factor, farm, feedback, fences, fit, five, flow, form, funded, funding, further, future, gate, geofencing, good, Government, GPS, Grange, gross, grower, help, Hosting, hygiene, identified, identify, implemented, importance, important, improved, in, inaccurate, Inca, increasd, incursion, industries, industry, Influencing, information, initiative, insensitive, integration, interconnected, interest, invasion, involvement, irrigation, issues, knowledge, land, landscape, location, log, logged, machinery, maintaining, manage, Managed, management, manager, McLaren, McLoughlin, messages, messaging, minimum, monitor, month, movement, name, nature, need, notification, notified, notifies, notify, number, offer, often, On-site, opportunity, options, out, Outbreak, output, owner, pairs, parcels, participant, partners, Pearce, people, perceived, period, personnel, pest, phone, Pilot, planning, platform, positive, potential, poultry, power, preparedness, present, primary, prior, privacy, problems, process, product, project, properties, property, proposition, protect, providing, purposes, Push, range, received, record, rectified, Regions, register, regulators, reinforced, report, representatives, Rider, risks, Safe, safety, Same, scoping, sectors, Seen, services, shortcomings, significant, signs, sinificant, Smartphone, software, South, States, support, sustainability, Suzanne, systems, technologies, Technology, think, threats, Timely, timestamp, tool, total, trace, track, trial, type, types, undertaken, United, used, utilise, utmost, Vale, Valley, valuable, value, viable, Vinehealth, vines, vineyards, virtual, visit, visitor, vital, weed, welcomed, wine, winery, without, work, Wroxton, Zander
Page Number(s): 52-54
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The issue.