Grapegrower and Winemaker Issue 643, 2017
Title: Climate smart viticulture
Keywords: 2004, 2009, 2010, 2010/11, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2015/16, 2016, 2016/17, 2017, action, adapting, address, Adelaide, advances, affect, Antarctic, applications, appropriate, April, Australia, Australian, autumn, available, average, balance, Barossa, Benchmark, Better, Botrytis, budburst, bunch, Bushfire, Cabernet, calendars, canopy, centre, challenges, changing, Chardonnay, climate, climatic, Coast, commercial, communicating, compare, Conferences, cool, cooler, Coolest, Cooperative, crop, Daily, damage, damaging, Dane, data, date, Days, dealing, debate, December, deciles, decision, defined, degree, delegates, demonstrate, desciptors, design, develop, development, difference, disease, driven, Drivers, earlier, ecosystems, El Nino, Employ, Evapotranspiration, events, example, experience, expertise, February, flow, flowering, forecasting, Frosts, funding, future, grant, grapes, greater, grower, growers, growing, harvest, Hayman, health, heat, Heatwaves, help, hemisphere, Hills, hot, how, Hunter, impact, implement, indices, industry, information, infrastructure, inland, Institute, interaction, investment, irrigation, January, late, learn, level, lifecycle, Limestone, link, list, load, making, manage, Managed, management, March, Margaret, maturing, maturity, McLaren, mean, measure, Melbourne, minimise, models, moisture, Mornington, new, Noir, Northern, November, NSW, Nuriootpa, October, opportunities, organise, packages, pattern, Peninsula, pest, Peter, Phenology, Pinot, positive, practical, pre, preventative, prioritise, problems, process, production, products, quality, rain, rainfall, rank, reached, record, Regions, Relevance, Remenyl, Renmark, report, research, result, risk, risks, River, rots, rule, SA, safety, SARDI, Sauvignon, science, season, seasonal, sensitivity, September, services, Severe, shared, signals, South, Southern, spray, spring, stage, stages, study, summer, susceptibility, table, Tamar, Tas, task, Tasmania, Tech, temperature, tend, Thomas, Threshold, timing, Tom, tool, tracked, transport, understand, university, upgrading, useful, using, Vale, Valley, value, Variable, variety, veraison, vineyards, vintage, viticulture, viticulturists, WA, Wales, warm, warmest, warned, watered, waves, weather, Western, wet, winegrape, Winemakers, Workshops, world
Page Number(s): 32-36
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The issue.