Grapegrower and Winemaker Issue 643, 2017
Title: Clever oak handling innovations
Keywords: $1500, $200, 20, 2016, accelerated, acceptance, accidental, accurately, activity, adapting, addition, Adelaide, adjuncts, adoption, affected, alternative, American, ammount, analyse, analysis, analytical, application, appropriating, aromas, aromatically, Aromatics, attitudes, Australian, AWRI, barrel, barrels, Belt, benefit, Better, Blakeview, breakdown, brettanomyces, Bridge, butterscotch, By-product, Cabernet, Capel, caramel, carbohydrates, Caught, cellulose, changed, Chardonnay, charred, chips, choice, chromatography, cis, cocnut, communicated, compares, compounds, concentrations, conjunction, connect, consumers, contaminated, contamination, contributor, controllable, coopering, cost, costs, counter, country, customers, decreased, depth, derived, determining, deuterium, developed, development, different, differentiator, dominated, dreaded, drink, Drive, economic, economical, efficient, Elegance, eliminate, employing, Estate, example, excess, experience, experts, exposed, extend, extraction, factor, feedback, finesse, finish, fitness, five, flavour, flavours, flower, forest, French, furural, future, gas, generated, grain, Granite, growing, Guaiacol, Handed, Handling, Heated, hemicellulose, high, higher, Hills, history, Horton, identified, impact, imparting, implementing, increased, Increases, increasing, indicators, industry, infection, Inspection, Institute, internal, intuitively, inventor, Jon, Kim, knowledge, labelled, labour, Lactone, lessons, levels, life, limiting, machine, Manual, market, mass, McLaren, medium, Merlot, metabolism, method, methods, methylfurfural, methylguaiacol, mitigated, months, Moss, nature, Nevers, new, oak, October, off, old, option, origin, original, overt, owner, paramount, Phil, point, positive, pots, power, present, prevent, price, problems, process, producers, products, purpose, Pyramids, quality, Queensland, racking, rate, recorded, Red, reduce, reducing, refinement, regimes, region, Rejuvenation, released, removing, replacement, Requirements, research, results, retail, review, risks, road, Rogers, samples, Sauvignon, Seasoning, sense, sensory, seven, shaving, Shiraz, sized, small, Smith, smoky, space, spectrometry, spoilage, standards, staves, step, storage, style, suitability, suited, suspended, sweet, tainting, take, task, taste, Technical, Technology, test, tightness, toast, toasting, tools, topping, torque, Tractor, trailling, transformed, treatments, trichloroanisole, ullage, under, underneath, unheated, untoasted, use, useful, using, Vale, Vanilla, Vanillan, variation, varieties, visual, volume, Vosges, want, warehouse, Warren, wasted, ways, Western, Willow, wine, winemaker, wineries, winery, Wines, within, wood, years, yeast
Page Number(s): 67-68
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