Grapegrower and Winemaker Issue 643, 2017
Title: A weapon in the fight against scale
Keywords: Andy, application, apply, applying, assists, assumptions, Australia, Australian, available, based, Bayer, beans, beetles, beneficial, Benson, Better, Bignell, Blanc, boost, budburst, bugs, bunch, Cabernet, Chardonnay, Coast, company, compatible, conditions, contracted, control, controlling, cool, covered, crops, developed, development, differences, Dorrien, downwards, drip, dry, earwigs, Estate, Estates, estimates, events, Existing, faba, factor, fan, Farmers, flies, forecasts, forward, frost, future, gales, GI, given, grapes, Gris, grower, grows, hay, healthy, hectare, Hectares, hiding, Hills, hot, impact, infestation, Inflorescences, information, insecticide, Intergrated, irrigation, Ivan, lacewings, ladybird, lime, Limestone, limited, looking, management, material, mealybug, Megafol, Merlot, midges, Mount, Movento, Murdock, nitrogen, north, nutrients, oil, Parasitoids, Penola, performance, pest, pests, phloem, Pinot, plants, played, population, Predatory, prevent, production, products, program, region, registered, release, reports, restrict, results, risks, role, Sauvignon, scale, season, Shiraz, soaring, soft, South, species, spiders, spring, statements, Strong, sucking, sulphur, suppression, syrphid, systems, thrips, Tonnes, translocated, transported, Treasury, treatments, trigger, turbines, uncertainies, unseasonal, update, uptake, Upwards, use, used, vines, water, website, West, wet, wind, window, wine, winegrape, Woolworths, xylem, years, yield
Page Number(s): 41-43
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The issue.