Wine & Viticulture Journal Issue 4, 2019
Title: Highlights of the 21st GiESCO international meeting in Greece
Keywords: 2019, 2070, 21st, Abiotic, Accumulation, Activities, Adapt, Adaptation, Adelaide, Affect, affected, Air, Alain, Alexander, Andrew, Antalick, areas, Argentina, Aroma, Aromatic, Australia, Australian, Average, Background, Balance, Barril, berries, berry, better, Blackman, Blank, Bozovic, Brandt, Bruno, bunch, Cabernet, Campbell, Canberra, Canopy, Cassandra, Celia, cell, Centre, century, Challenges, chambers, Change, Changed, Changes, changing, Climate, climates, climatological, Clingeleffer, collaboration, Collins, colouration, Composition, Compression, Conditions, conducted, Conference, congress, Content, contents, Context, Copper, CSIRO, Cultivars, Cumulative, Data, Days, De Bei, decade, Decrease, Defoliation, Deloire, Denmark, Dependent, Development, differences, Different, differently, Difficult, Disease, Distribution, Dr, Drive, Dynamics, Edwards, Effect, Effects, efflux, energy, Enzyme, Esther, Events, Everard, Evolution, evolving, example, exclude, expected, experiments, Exposed, Exposure, extent, Extreme, f changing, Factor, Field, Findings, fire, flavonols, focusing, formulated, frequency, frequent, Frost, Fruit, Fuentes, Function, Gambetta, gene, Genetic, GiESCO, glasshouses, Global, Gouot, Grape, Grapegrowers, Grapes, Grapevine, grapevines, greater, Greece, green., Gregory, Growing, Growth, Guillaume, Hall, Harvest, Heat, heated, Heatwaves, hemispheres, Hernandez-Montes, Hexose, High, Higher, Holzapfel, hot, Impact, implemented, Improve, Increase, Increased, increases, indicate, individual, induce, Industry, Influence, Influenced, Influences, Intense, interception, International, investigated, involvement, Irrigation, Jason, Joanna, John, Jones, Julia, June, Kaan, kaempferol, Katja, Kurtural, Leaf, Leigh, Level, Light, location, Locations, Long, Long-term, look, Lower, Luscher, Magali, manipulated, manipulating, Manipulation, Martinez, Maturity, Maximum, mechanisation, Meeks, Meeting, Melanie, Melbourne, Merlot, message, Metabolism, Metabolites, metbolites, microclimate, milder, mitigate, Mitigation, Modelling, moderate, modification, more, myricetin, national, Necrosis, need, needs, nets, New, nights, Noir, Number, Nutrient, NWGIC, Open, optimum, Overall, Oxidation, paramater, Parameters, pea, peeled, performed, period, Peter, Phenol, Phenology, Phenols, Physiology, Pinot, planted, Porosity, Potted, Practice, Precipitation, precision, Predict, Predictions, Predrag, Presentation, presentations, pressure, prevalence, Primary, Production, Productivity, profile, project, Projections, Protection, Quality, quercetin, Radiation, Rainfall, ranging, Red, Reduce, Region, Regions, regulations, Relevance, Relevant, Removal, Research, Researchers, Resolution, Resources, Response, result, Results, Riesling, Ripening, Risk, Roberta, Rogiers, Sauvignon, Schmidtke, Scientists, Season, Seasonal, Secondary, Shading, shift, Shiraz, Sigfredo, Single, situation, Size, skin, Smith, Soil, solar, sole, spatiotemporal, Specific, Spring, Stewart, Strategies, Stress, Students, studies, study, Style, Suitable, Suklje, sunburn, Sunlight, Surface, Sustainability, Suzy, Sweden, Synchronised, synthesis, talks, Targeted, Techniques, technologies, temperate, Temperature, Temperatures, Term, Thessaloniki, Timing, Top, topic, topics, Treatment, treatments, Trend, Understand, University, unsuitable, used, using, Values, Variability, Varietal, Varieties, Veraison, Vine, Vineyard, Vineyards, Vinifera, Vintage, Viticultural, Viticulture, Vitis, Volatile, Warm, warmed, Warmer, what, White, Whole, Wine, Wines, Winter, Work, World, Wu, Zealand, zoning
Page Number(s): 38-45
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The Spring issue.