Wine Industry Mentor Program 2024 applications closing soon

Wine Industry Mentor Program 2024 applications closing soon
Image courtesy Wine Australia

The Wine Industry Mentor Program is seeking applications from individuals who are ready to build long-lasting connections in their careers across the grape and wine sector, with applications closing on 31 March 2024.

The structured mentoring program pairs early career professionals from across the grape and wine community – from viticulture to winemaking, research to logistics, marketing, and media, and more – with respected wine sector leaders and provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded people as a way of building industry capability and a spirit of collaboration.

Benefits for participants are varied, and have included career progression, opportunities to expand networks, developing confidence, and taking on leadership or other professional development pathways, as well as fostering a renewed commitment amongst participants to their region, role, and opportunities for future success.

More than 50 well-known wine industry experts have volunteered to mentor participants in 2024, including Matt Woo (Penfolds), Samantha Connew (Stargazer Wines), Gill Gordon-Smith (Wine educator) and Angus Hughson (Winepilot).

The program, which will run over six months from June to November 2024, consists of monthly one-on-one sessions with a mentor and access to a range of resources through the program’s world-class online mentoring platform, as well as access to a range of industry subject matter experts to help address specific mentoring needs.

The whole-of-sector program is jointly supported and managed by the Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology, the University of Adelaide, Wine Australia, Wine Communicators of Australia and the Wine Industry Suppliers Association.

Applications can be made through the Wine Communicators of Australia website here:

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