Tonnellerie Ermitage/Berthomieu appoint a commercial agent for Australia and NZ

Ermitage/Berthomieu cooperage and Oenosylva oak alternative products are pleased to announce the appointment of Paul Wilson as its commercial agent for the Australian and New Zealand markets. Paul Wilson comes to Ermitage, Berthomieu and Oenosylva with 15 year of wine industry experience in both winemaking and sales.

Tonnellerie Ermitage/Berthomieu and Oenosylva is a 100 per cent vertically integrated (forestry to barrel/oak staves production) company, owned by the Charlois group and located in the Center of France in the heart of the Bertranges forest.

Tonnellerie Ermitage/Berthomieu and Oenosylva carry extensive certifications that include wood authentication, complete barrel/staves traceability, PEFC & HACCP.

For more information, visit: or phone Paul Wilson on: 0488 214 680 or email at: [email protected]