Air Liquide Australia

Air Liquide Australia

Contact Details

Address: 12/600 St Kilda Road, Melbourne
VIC, 3004, Australia
Telephone: (03) 9697 9888
Email: [email protected]

Additional Contact Information

Address: New South Wales, Fairfield
NSW, 2165, Australia
Telephone: (02) 9892 9777
Email: [email protected]

Address: Victoria & Tasmania, North Sunshine
VIC, 3020, Australia
Telephone: (03) 9290 1100
Email: [email protected]

Address: Queensland & Northern Territory, Wacol
QLD, 4076, Australia
Telephone: (07) 3246 6363
Email: [email protected]

Address: Western Australia & South Australia, Henderson
WA, 6166, Australia
Telephone: (08) 9494 9600
Email: [email protected]

World leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 80 countries with approximately 65,000 employees and serves more than 3.5 million customers and patients. Air Liquide’s ambition is to lead its industry, deliver long-term performance and contribute to sustainability.

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