The Kiama Show Society is inviting the public to taste and discuss wines with award-winning winemakers and vignerons at a public tasting and awards presentation.
The 8th Annual Kiama Regional Wine Show will take place from 22-23 September at the Kiama Showground Pavilion.
The tasting and awards presentation will take place on Friday 23 September where more than 120 wines will be available to taste from 5.30-8pm.
Wines that have been entered into the show will be those made from fruit grown in the Shoalhaven Coast, Southern Highlands and neighbouring districts.
Exhibitors are encouraged to attend at no cost to receive awards and promote their products.
The cost is $25 per person and includes a light supper. Tickets are available for sale at the Kiama Visitors Centre, or phone (02) 4232 33. Ticket numbers are limited.
For further information, contact Wine Show secretariat Carole Johnston on (02) 4237 5554 or email [email protected]