ASVO announces new wine show best practice recommendations

The Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology (ASVO) has this month released a comprehensive update and extension of its Wine Show Best Practice Recommendations (BPRs) following an extensive, industry-wide review process.

“With best practices continuously evolving in the wine industry, it is imperative that ASVO’s wine show BPRs remain relevant. The Society’s objective was to review and streamline the document to assist agricultural societies, regional bodies and other groups to conduct wine shows in a manner that is considered current best practice for the Australian wine show system,” said ASVO President Brooke Howell.

The recommendations reflect the evolution over the last five years and introduce and expand on topics including judge diversity, hygiene requirements, term of appointment of judges, relaxation on the minimum volume required to exhibit, and the removal of award transferability. The document has also been revised to become a more succinct, easier to read set of recommendations. Where differences of opinion exist across the industry, the recommendations reflect the debate and will continue to evolve in time.

“The advisory committee of 17 represented all the wine show system, the exhibitors, the organisers, the critics and the judges from around Australia. During the consultation process we were pleased with the level of use of and engagement by shows with the previous version of BPR’s.  We commend the 2020 update to all,” said Ms Louisa Rose, who chaired the ASVO Wine Show Technical Advisory Committee responsible for the updated BPRs.

The final 2020 ASVO Best Practice Recommendations are freely available to download here.

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